
An Everlasting 911 Memorial, of Tree plantings, from seeds of a 150+ yr old NY Euorpean Beech Tree.

This Tree Planting Memorial Project is in Memory of all our Loved ones lost on Sept 11th 2001.

Each tree planted will serve as a Memorial. With the help of others, the seeds from these trees will then be planted & the Memory will be passed on to future generations.

HISTORY:To the right is the Mother tree from which all the donated young Beech trees were born. Highlighted in a NY Times article by Nina Bernstein on 9-4-05, this Majestic tree is located in Whitestone NY & is well over 150+ yrs old, with a cirumference spanning 17'. European Beech Trees are very beautiful, large growing, long lived trees, this link will provide more info on the tree species.

Anyone interested in a Tree or Volunteering, donating soil (or anything that can assist in the planting of the 911 trees), or for more info on this project, email: geeigotit@aol.com

Scroll down to view some of the trees planted.

Sattelite view of Ground Zero

911trees.com © 2001-2013
Founded by Zaverdas

The European Beech Tree

In Whitestone NY, which Mothered this Project

photo by: HarryZ.com © 2001-2011

" W e  W i l l  N e v e r  F o r g e t ".

   Current News  

April 2012
The Plaque for the tree on Francis Lewis Blvd which was dontated by George Weeks DaleCemetery.com was recently damaged, we suspect the NYC Parks or the landscaper Garden Works who did some work there damaged it. Last spring someone weed wacked the base of the tree, damaging the bark subjecting it to infection, so we installed stakes and a yellow ribbon which they also damaged! The ribbon which was intentionally placed there to prevent further damage to the tree, but they not only ignored it, they ripped it up. This is a sacred tree and we can not understand why anyone would do such an offensive thing! If anyone has any information as to who is responsible, please contact us.

Sept 2011
After the dedication ceremony for the 10-year anniversary on 9.11.11, the Memorial opens to the general public.

Spring 2011
We would like to thank George Weeks and Mike O'Connor, for planting two 911trees at The Historic Dale Cemetery from the town of Ossining NY.

Fall 2009
Valley Preferred Cycling Center located in PA recieved a small 911 tree from Harry on 10-10-00. Marty Nothstein, Executive Director and Sue Cottone, Business Manager will arrange to plant it on the grounds and submit a photo for us to post soon. Satellite view

Spring 2008
The NY Times Plant in College Point is now the home of a 911 Tree Memorial, see more info about the planting below.

Spring 2007
A Bronx Church will plant a 911 Tree on 4.22.2007. Rev Delgado will have a planting ceremony & welcomes you to attend. The church is located at 26O West 231 Street, Bronx NY 1O463.

Satellite view

Soon, map of 911trees locations

Ossining NY

Spring 2011
We would like to thank George Weeks and Mike O'Connor, for planting two 911trees at The Historic Dale Cemetery from the town of Ossining NY.



Satellite view



Fall 2009
Valley Preferred Cycling Center
We would like to thank Marty Nothstein, Executive Director and Sue Cottone, Business Manager for planting a 911 Memorial Tree on the grounds located in PA . Below is a nice photo they submitted.



Satellite view


College Point NY

Spring 2008
The NY Times Plant in College Point is now the home of a 911 Tree Memorial, much thanks to Nina Burnstein & Mike Connors who collaborated to make this happen. It can be seen from the Whitestone Expressway. Below is a shot of the Landscapers who planted the tree on 5.31.08



Satellite view

Bayside NY

Summer 2006

A few
NYPC Hwy 3 officers aquired 3 trees, 2 will be planted on Long Island. The tree below was planted at the base in Memory of all the NYPD persons lost on 911... click this link for list: LINK


Bayside NY

Fort Totten, Bayside NY
Date Planted: Sept 11, 2004

Overlooking the East River & Throgs Neck Bridge. Sadly this tree died in 2010 due to the excessive heat and no rain, NYC Parks neglected to water it.



Sattelite View

Whitestone NY

Location: Francis Lewis Blvd, Whitestone NY
Date Planted: Sept 11, 2004

Sattelite View - Where Francis Lewis Blvd begins in Whiteston. This tree is thriving, it is approx 15' tall 2011.

on FrancisLewisBlvd.com

Sept 11, 2004

Nov. 26, 2011



Sattelite View

Madison NJ

Location: Madison NJ
Date Planted: Spring of 2002 - This tree is thriving 2011.


Long Island City - NY

Location: Queensbridge South Projects
41-07 Vernon Blvd, Long Island City, NY
Date Planted: May 14th 2005

Below are residents Kenya on the left & Victoria Stong on the right, with the 911 tree "JOHN". This tree is named after Victoria's cousin, a 9/11 victim who was on flight 11. Unfortunately this tree was not cared for and did not make it.

Victoria Stong on the right, is a Civil Rights & Community Activist. Click on the link & scroll down to the bottom to read her article from the NY Times; "Willing To Look Foolish for Fallen Firefighters"... She protested in front of N.Y.C.'s City Hall for 4 months against the 8 then 6 Engine Co./Firehouse closings & in memory of the 343 Firefighters. These Engine Co.'s & Firehouses are yet to be reopened.


   MORE Plantings 
For those who have recieved a 911 tree, please email us an image, location & when the tree was planted to geeigotit@aol.com


Anyone interested in volunteering, donating soil (or anything that can assist in the planting of the 911 trees), or for more info on this project, email: geeigotit@aol.com

Please return & support the 911Trees Memory project.


   911 Related Links

Voices Of Sept 11th
Has a Bio of many 911 victims
Build The Memorial .org
World Trade Center Memorial Foundation site...


Tunnel To Towers Run

Follow the footsteps of an American Hero Firefighter Stephen Siller...



Dedicated to Fire Fighters of 911...


Fire Fighter Patch

Find other 911 related links on the sites above also by clicking on this link:

   Victims Lists - Memorials & more...  
Vast List with profiles... LINK
Listed by USS horne... LINK
911 Health - Developed by the NYC dept of Health LINK
911 Memorials List LINK
FDNY Heros List - (NY Times)LINK
FDNY Tribute - video clipLINK
FDNY main siteLINK
911 Health Impacts ReportLINK
  Other Links
   Find other 911 related links on the sites above also by clicking on this link:


Miracle-Grow Was kind enough to donate 6 cases of Miracle-GroŽ Water Soluble Evergreen Tree & Shrub Plant Food Look
Donation recieved: June 20th 2005

We want to thank CEO Jim Hagedorn The Scotts Miracle-Grow Company with all our hearts for this kind donation which will assist in the healthy growth of the 911trees.com project trees,

Thank You So Much
Harry Zaverdas


CONTACT 911tress.com
Anyone interested in volunteering, donating soil (or anything that can assist in the planting of the 911 trees), or for more info on this project, email: geeigotit@aol.com


Below are a few creative images of the mother tree by Harry Zaverdas


ILLEGAL TO COPY ANY OF THESE IMAGES © copyright Harry Zaverdas


ILLEGAL TO COPY ANY OF THESE IMAGES © copyright Harry Zaverdas


ILLEGAL TO COPY ANY OF THESE IMAGES © copyright Harry Zaverdas

Harry Zaverdas

CONTACT 911tress.com
Anyone interested in volunteering, donating soil (or anything that can assist in the planting of the 911 trees), or for more info on this project, email: geeigotit@aol.com

Copyright © 2001-2014 911trees.com

New York